$ 249.00
DYNAMIC DELAY. DONE DAMN RIGHT! In the world of guitar, delay isn’t just a matter of adding echos as a string of dotted 8th’s that gradually fade away. It’s highly personal, a...
$ 149.00
ONE TO DRIVE. ONE TO PLAY. ONE TO LOVE. True love is rare. And so is true overdrive that doesn’t just sound like tubes, but also behaves like tubes! A drive...
$ 149.00
MORE BOTTOM. MORE BEEF. STILL TRUE. TrueOverDrive 2 is as true to transparent and tube-like overdrive as the original TOD 1. Yet it adds a serious punch in the low end...
$ 269.00
A few years ago ZVEX Effects released the Candela Vibrophase™, a candle-powered vibrato/phaser machined from solid brass and glass that used a mix of 1800s technology (a Sterling heat engine)...