Veritas Instrument Rentals

Blues City Music is proud to announce that we are an authorized affiliate for Veritas Instrument Rentals. Flutes, trumpets, clarinets, viloins, etc., you name it, if Veritas has it available, Blues City Music can provide it for you. 

Veritas Instrument Rental Inc., has been in the band equipment rental business for over 25 years.  Based in Clearwater, Florida, Veritas has all the proven logistics in place to help you with all your equipment rental needs. 

Rent to own, set it all up online, or rent from our store front in Cordova, Tennessee, it is so simple.  We offer a multitude of manufacturers so you can have your choice.   


Click here to begin your online instrument rental

*** Use Blues City Music's Zip Code of 38016 when you begin your order. ***


If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 901-485-8250, or email us below.

P.S.  Lynn Burke - Blues City Music's owner, has a daughter (Christina Marie Burke) that is a professional classical Soprano 1 vocalist, trained over the last 19 years by DMA and Masters level professors.  He totally understands the importance of music in our children's lives.  Christina originally played the violin and piano while taking singing lessons.  We can help you too.